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Daily Manna – Conscience 89

Daily Manna – Conscience 89

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Saturday, August 4, 2018 | Topic: Conscience 89

Scripture: And when they saw Joseph afar off, even before he came near to them, they conspired against him to slay him. Genesis 37:18

Note: Both Joseph and Jesus were destined by prophetic decrees to rule over the estates of their fathers, spanning the sons of Israel and the rest of the world. Joseph’s troubles that courted hatred from his brothers became exacerbated when he dared to dream. Annoyingly, Joseph displayed naivety of extreme proportion with his brazen effrontery to share his dream with his brothers who had not hidden their hatred for him when Jacob made him a coat of many colours. Joseph should have picked a lesson or two from the body language of his brothers when they were unable to speak peaceably to him after he got the coat of many colours from his father.

It’s not everyone that’s happy with other people’s success or breakthrough. Some people become so obsessed with their own self importance that they become easily embittered on hearing of the success of others. Instead of happily joining the other party to celebrate in their victory or success, they begin to feel sad or crestfallen, wondering why it wasn’t them. They become depressed that God had sidelined them, preferring the other person to them. They’re forced to endure this unnecessary phase of sad mood swing, sucking within and suffering quietly inside, unable to court support or recognition from anyone on their self imposed predicament.

The hatred harboured by Joseph’s brothers for him was so strong that they couldn’t cork down on their negative emotions without having it rearing its ugly head. They couldn’t speak peaceably to him, their real intentions betraying them. Unfortunately, Joseph failed to pick the vital clue of a betrayed emotion to safeguard himself from avoidable danger. He shared his dream which to all intents and purposes, was perceived by his brothers as intended to belittle and demean them, putting Joseph in a pole position to exercise dominion and rule over his senior brothers. They vowed not to be like sitting ducks, watching on helplessly as such avoidable humiliation unfold before their eyes. They looked for the best opportunity to terminate his life and his dream altogether to protect their dignity (Gen 37:5-11).

The rule, dominion, glory and kingdom of Jesus and Joseph were seen prophetically before eventual manifestation (Dan 7:13-14). That of Jesus was seen by the prophets Daniel and Micah, hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus. Micah even went ahead to predict the birth place of Jesus as Bethlehem of Judea (Micah 5:2). Both Jesus and Joseph went through a period of suffering before the prophecies were fulfilled. Joseph went through the pit, Portiphar’s wife and prison before becoming a Prime Minister. Jesus had to suffer rejection and an excruciating death at the hands of the sons of Israel, after being tortured, tried and unjustly sentenced to death. However, His unprecedented resurrection from the dead after three days in the grave, made Him the firstborn of all creation to have overcome the power of death. Today, Jesus rules over sin, satan and death.

Food for thought: Sin couldn’t derail Jesus unlike the first Adam. Satan couldn’t make Him to bow to his machinations and neither could death or the grave hold Him captive. Jesus is Lord indeed!

Declaration: And He is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things He might have the preeminence. Col 1:18

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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