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Daily Manna – Conscience 85

Daily Manna – Conscience 85

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Tuesday, July 31, 2018 | Topic: Conscience 85

Scripture: And when they saw Joseph afar off, even before he came near to them, they conspired against him to slay him. Genesis 37:18

Note: The undignified contribution from Judah was the counsel that informed the stealing and selling of Joseph to the Ishmaelites. A contribution that was considered inglorious and abominable, became the conduit that eventually freed Joseph from the murderous machinations of his bloodhound brothers who hated him with passion. The indignity of the channel of escape, notwithstanding, God was able to overturn the wicked counsel of a hate filled environment, using one of their own to put a damper on their intentions without their realising it.

As usual, the second operation on agenda Joseph took place on the blind spot of Reuben. Unable to locate Joseph in the pit, Reuben had no one to hold responsible for the loss of Joseph. Reuben had failed a cardinal leadership principle of delegating his authority to either a responsible person among them or to Simeon, the most senior among the brothers. Reuben had himself to blame, as he should have picked that principle from Jacob who showed him the way to lead in making him, being the most senior brother, the leader of the brothers, responsible for the safety of everyone.

Leadership vacuum is still the bane of many people in positions of leadership. Such people have no clue as to the negative impact of such negligence on team morale and rising chaotic situation that could degenerate into crisis within the team. Such crippling occurrence could paralyse everyone into a state of confusion, with nobody in a position to determine the right direction of the team. This offers a perfect scenario for individuals with their own agenda who are often vociferous and with a definite agenda to serve their own interests, to quickly hijack the team, using the group synergy to drive their selfish agenda.

One person’s undoing as a leader could create a leadership vacuum but there’s hardly any deficit of ideas or agenda on the part of some team members. Judah was one team member whose eye was on the money they could gain off Joseph. He hijacked the group to perpetuate his selfish agenda. Reuben’s negligence led to the loss of his position and influence on the team. He was compelled to join himself to a lie to cover his negligence with the invented story that Joseph had been devoured by a wild beast, knowing very well that the blood filled coat of many colours that had been torn into pieces as evidence, was the blood of an innocent, kid goat.

Food for thought: Joseph was a type of Christ. Both were innocent of the accusations levelled against them. Blood was shed on both to serve as covering for others.

Declaration: And they took Joseph’s coat, and killed a kid of the goats, and dipped the coat in the blood. Genesis 37:31

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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