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Daily Manna – Conscience 82

Daily Manna – Conscience 82

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Friday, July 27, 2018 | Topic: Conscience 82

Scripture: And when they saw Joseph afar off, even before he came near to them, they conspired against him to slay him. Genesis 37:18

Note: Judah’s leadership potential stood out clearly in the absence of Reuben. He became the default, natural leader even though he wasn’t qualified by seniority. Teams are either led by a person or through the ideas, initiatives, philosophies, policies, systems and structures put in place by a person of authority or in leadership. The power vacuum created by Reuben offered opportunities for the nine brothers left behind. Joseph was the subject in contention so he was excluded from the discussions that might decide whether he should survive the death sentence or otherwise.

The interesting thing about Joseph was that he was no longer a prisoner of ten brothers but only Reuben. The illicitly acquired authority to harm Joseph was propelled by pure hatred for their younger brother. This deep-seated hatred was exacerbated by Joseph’s continuous dreams that became a nuisance, triggering murderous intents on the part of brothers he assumed he could trust with his life. That was false assumption on the part of Joseph. His dreams were the last straw that broke the camel’s back. They wanted him dead to see what could become of his dreams. Ideally, Joseph should have lived with his brothers according to knowledge and wisdom, and learnt to trust in God for his safety.

Interestingly, Judah was the man on whom the sceptre of the kingship of Israel was destined to dwell as later events would unfold. Judah’s idea to sell off Joseph might across as horrendous, disingenuous, an abominable act of betrayal, just as in the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Iscariot, another Judah by name. But the reality was that what was considered a faulty idea by man, was used by God to save Joseph from death. Judah, on whom the mantle of leadership dwelt according to the eternal wisdom of God, brought the idea of the sale that was unanimously agreed to by the other eight brothers. There was no clearly defined leader for the group, yet leadership through natural evolution of an idea played an important role in the destiny of Joseph.

Judah’s idea meant that they had to surreptitiously take Joseph out from the pit and transact the business of selling him without leaving any trace of their footprints in getting caught by Reuben. Joseph wasn’t their prisoner any longer. They had to steal him from the rightful owner without leaving traces of suspicion. Corruption doesn’t work in the light. It operates in shady ambience under the cover of darkness. These young men who would form the foundation of the nation of Israel, began their lives steeped deeply in thievery and corruption. Yet, God in His mercy and grace, was able to forgive their failings and overlooked their shortcomings, in using Israel as a model nation and an example to the rest of the world.

Food for thought: If a messed up group of people could be used by God to build a model nation, then there’s no limit to the grace of God.

Declaration: The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy. Psalm 103:8

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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