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Daily Manna – Conscience 39

Daily Manna – Conscience 39

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Thursday, June 7, 2018 | Topic: Conscience 39

Scripture: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. Hosea 4:6

Note: The modus operandi of Gomer’s frequent absences from her matrimonial home increasingly grew from frequent to prolonged absence. What started out as going out occasionally for hours in a day, grew from mere occasional hours of absence within the day to frequent hours of absence. Hosea’s incessant protests and call on Gomer to put a stop to her unbecoming behaviour of a married woman fell on deaf ears. She seemed to be steeped in her ways on the road to rebellion.

If frequent absence from home was becoming a source of worry for Hosea, he was to brace himself for something worse from Gomer; she escalated her frequent absence from home to prolonged frequent absence. Gomer was becoming stubborn in her ways as calls from her husband to changer her ways expectedly fell on deaf ears. Hosea seemed to have lost a critical element within the relationship in his capacity as a husband and a prophet. The aura of respect that shielded him from a woman whose previous lifestyle on the streets was that of an abrasive, rough talking, indecent woman was gone.

If Hosea ever thought that what had hit him from Gomer was a dream, then he had better woken up to the reality of a failing marriage. The prolonged hours of Gomer’s absence turned from prolonged hours to prolonged days away from home. The excuse of a return to the farms to resuscitate a thriving income source was a façade. It was a mere cover-up for her to enjoy the warmth, comfort and love of her numerous lovers. It was an experience she had been missing in her marriage.

What started out as a harmless tryst from Gomer had gradually morphed into a monster of a marriage. What Gomer began to indulge in as a little, harmless fun involving time with old friends, had changed from fun to temptation to indulge in what was abominable for a married woman. It was a full blown adulterous lifestyle that was no more a temptation that she fell into occasionally, but now she was fully immersed in the sin of adultery. Sin starts out gradually, a step at a time. Initially, it’s packaged as a little, harmless fun filled desire until eventually it becomes like gravel in the mouth. The conscience is no more pricked. You become completely desensitised to sin and the prompting of the Spirit of God.

Food for thought: Sin’s deceptive trail begins with a desire in man. With desire comes pursuit for gratification and then intermeddling and entanglement.

Declaration: Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel. Proverbs 20:17

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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