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The Purity of God’s Word

The Purity of God’s Word

If you are given contaminated food, will you eat of it? If not, then you should be mindful of the purity of food you feed your spirit man with. You need to take on the habit of feeding your spirit with the pure word of God.

We are in an era where lies abound. Men who do not have Christ lie easily and deceive people. It takes he who feeds on the true word and is led by the Spirit of God to identify such lies and not be harmed in any way by them. It takes one who is firmly rooted in the word, to stand against any wave of deception and its effects.

As a Christian, you have a role to play in your generation in shedding the light of Christ abroad but you are unable to because you don’t feed on the right word and for that matter, you are not sensitive to the leading of the Spirit. We feed our spirits with contaminated food when we pursue things that are of no eternal value.

The word of God is precious and it is high time Christians treated it as such. We find gold to be precious and dedicate time and money to get it but we don’t treat the word as such. Meanwhile, the Bible urges us to desire and cherish the word of God even more than much fine gold (Psalms 19:10). Anything you can ever think of is of less value compared the word of God.

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There is life in the word of God. The word of God is accurate and dependable. God watches over his word to perform (Jeremiah 1:12) and he can be trusted to bring any word he has said concerning you to pass.

Some facts to note about the word of God include:

  • The word is pure (Psalms 12:6, Psalms 119:140)
  • The word is tried. The word that goes forth from the Lord will not return to him void (Psalms 12:6, Pssalms 18:30, 2Samuel 22:31)
  • The word is right (Psalms .33:4)
  • The word creates (Psalms .33:6)
  • The word of the Lord brings healing (Psalms .107:20)
  • The word quickens (Psalms .119:25, 50, 154)

We are urged in Deuteronomy 11:18 to occupy our hearts and minds with the word, to continually feed on his word. The more we fill our hearts and minds with the word, the more opportunity we give ourselves for the Lord to look upon his word to perform it in our lives.


The entrance of the word gives light. The more you deprive yourself of the word, the more you move away from light into darkness. Yearn to feed on the pure word of God, that your path may be enlightened by it. Stay blessed!

Author: Rev Chris Aryeh

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