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Finding and pursuing your purpose 1

Finding and pursuing your purpose 1

The purposes of God are certain. Whatever we are to achieve in this life is determined by God before we were born (Jeremiah1:4-10). Before you were formed in your mother’s womb God knew you. God is an astute businessman and does not do anything for no reason. He has a purpose for everything created. Whether you were born by accident or not, know that God loves you so much and He is the one who allowed you to be born. 

Oftentimes we make the mistake of defining our own purpose and pursuing it. There are times when God can let us know the reason for which we were created through prophets and church leaders but we refuse them by our confessions (Jeremiah 1:6) and we are quick to make excuses. Do not be a person who gives excuses when you are asked to do something in the Kingdom of God. Many of us have not been able to live our lives and purposes because we keep giving one excuse after the other.

There are instances when God gives us the chance to learn to do some things early in life in order to equip us for His purpose for our later years in life. Some pointers show up early in your life which can help you determine what your purpose could be. You may have to sit back and reflect on things that have happened in your life since you were a child and consider what you enjoyed doing.

Right from the time Joseph was a child he knew evil from good. He was building his character as an honest person. Learn to look out for what you love and hate because they can both help you determine your purpose.

Sometimes the things you don’t like are things God is calling you to fix. It is not the purpose of those who cannot spot the wrong things to fix them that is why they seem not to be bothered by the wrong things.

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Joseph also had a high sense of responsibility. In Gen. 37:16-17, he was sent out to Shechem with food for his brothers. They were not there when he got there but he didn’t return home. He set out to look for them till he met a man who told him where they could be. Joseph went the extra mile. This shows Joseph had a high sense of responsibility right from childhood days. This showed up throughout his adult life.

You may start off in life as a failure and you may find that things may not be working out as you expected. Do not be discouraged. What God has purposed for your life will come to pass when you give yourself the chance to grow. Don’t let the place you fell at be your final resting place. Get up, clean yourself up and move forward because God has a purpose for you.

You also have to learn to pay attention to the dreams and visions you have been having and what people have been saying concerning you. Sometimes people bring your attention to what you are good at doing. Ask God what He wants you to do with what you are good at and He will direct you.

We read about the dreams Joseph had in Gen. 37:5-17. Though his brothers hated him for his dreams, he kept dreaming and he kept sharing his dreams with his father and brothers. Sometimes people may find it difficult to accept it but know that what God has purposed for you is what will come to pass.

It is important to note that God will preserve you throughout your life to ensure His purpose for your life is fulfilled. In Gen. 37:18-22, we read about the bad things Joseph’s brothers did to him. They plotted to kill him because they didn’t want him to rule over them someday but their plans were not fulfilled. When God has purposed something for you, it doesn’t matter what the devil or fellow men plot against you; be it in church, school, work or your neighbourhood. Their plans will not materialise because God will preserve you.


Be assured that God has a purpose for your life. You may face some challenges in life and people may connive against you but do not be discouraged. If God has not permitted it, you will not die and what God has purposed for your life will certainly come to pass.

Author: Rev Dr Mrs Agatha Aboe

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