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Daily Manna – Conscience 67

Daily Manna – Conscience 67

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Tuesday, July 10, 2018 | Topic: Conscience 67

Scripture: And when they saw Joseph afar off, even before he came near to them, they conspired against him to slay him. Genesis 37:18

Note: Everyone virtually gets to go through three unavoidable periods in their lives. Joseph, son of Jacob, daddy’s favourite boy, was no exception. These three periods are the peak, the plain and the pit of your life. The peaks of life are great times of exhilarating joy and gladness in one’s life. It’s the best period anyone could find. In the case of Joseph, he found himself going through peak periods of his life at a very tender age when he was just about getting ready to start life altogether.

Born to Rachel, Jacob’s heartthrob and favourite wife among the four women by whom Jacob had sons, Joseph, by birth, had a silver spoon in his mouth. Becoming Jacob’s favourite among his twelve sons required no breaking of sweat on the part of Joseph. After all, Joseph was the first born and first son of Rachel, after many years of frustrations, failures and what seemed like a dead end barrenness of Rachel. Joseph was therefore very special to both mum and dad. He was pampered right from birth, without any apology to any of Jacob’s sons. He was a great source of joy and hope to his parents. His arrival marked a significant peak in the relationship between Jacob and Rachel.

The coat of many colours that Jacob made for Joseph was simply the icing on the cake. It was the quintessential expression of Jacob’s love for Joseph. Jacob was blinded by his exceptional love for his son, as a growing Joseph seemed to be doing all the right things that would gladden a father’s heart, considering the evil report he was consistently receiving concerning some of his sons. While other sons were doing all the wrong things to break Jacob’s heart, Joseph was doing all the right things to give Jacob hope. The coat of many colours was therefore more than just a beautiful garment. To Joseph’s brothers, it was more than a mere expression of love and affection. To them, the coat of many colours was more of the passing of a mantle.

Therefore the decisions that went into passing judgment on their brother, culminating in the death sentence on Joseph by his brothers, were more than just the coat of many colours and Joseph’s dreams. The factors that influenced the decisions began with their mothers who were unloved and openly despised by Jacob. The mistakes of Jacob had all crystallised into one big bomb that was ticking away on a timer. Joseph was the reason for the ticking timer, as his dreams provided real threat to their seniority and right to inheritance according to Jewish customs. If they waited for Joseph’s dreams to come to fruition, that would have been their own undoing. Getting at Joseph was therefore the best way of possibly getting what rightfully belonged to them.

Food for thought: The actions of fathers have weight and they carry the capacity to influence the next generations after them.

Declaration: What do you mean, that you use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, “The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge?” Ezekiel 18:2

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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