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Daily Manna – Conscience 65

Daily Manna – Conscience 65

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Saturday, July 7, 2018 | Topic: Conscience 65

Scripture: And when they saw Joseph afar off, even before he came near to them, they conspired against him to slay him. Genesis 37:18

Note: Carrying the burdens, weight and judgment of generations before him on his tiny, fragile shoulders at the young age of seventeen years, Joseph, like Jesus Christ, innocent of the causes and reasons for loveless marriage of Jacob to Leah, the forced labour that Jacob had to endure for the sake of the love of his life, together with the after effect shenanigans of Jacob’s cold attitude towards Leah, culminating in the sowing of a discord among the children belonging to the Leah and Rachel factions, was compelled to carry this heavy burden of hatred, envy and jealousy due to rivalry that had been lying in ambush for a long time.

To Joseph’s siblings, he was well known for being a notorious dreamer and an informant. In the eyes of his brothers, Joseph enjoyed an undeserved favouritism from their dad because of his special love for the departed Rachel. His brothers felt unloved by Jacob. Yet, for all that underlying causes, they had managed to endure Jacob and his irritating special treatment of Joseph. With sleeping dogs allowed to lie basically due to the strong bond of the same blood binding them together, Jacob couldn’t hide nor suppress his affection for Joseph. Jacob threw into the mix another eye-catching reason for them to elevate their irritation into hatred for Joseph.

Jacob made a coat of many colours for Joseph. It was bright; it was beautiful; it was eye-catching; it was attractive; and it was made only for Joseph. If ever Jacob wanted any single reason that was strong enough to excite jealousy, envy and anger, the coat of many colours was exactly what he needed in order to set his home up for destruction. Discrimination by parents in their show of love or affection among their children without thoughtfully managing the expectations of the siblings and it’s possible outcome could be a dangerous precedent that has the potential to bring permanent separation among the children.

Jacob, now in his old age, couldn’t be bothered about whatever anyone else felt about the coat of many colours he made for Joseph. Being a traditional father wielding all the power and authority in his home, he never considered it necessary to offer any explanation to anyone about the coat of many colours. Jacob loved Joseph and this was an open secret to everyone. Joseph fed his dad with all the intelligence information on happenings in his home that took place on his blind side. Some of the children were secretly indulging in evil practices and Joseph wasted no time in keeping his dad in the loop with the negative report. Obviously, his siblings saw Joseph as a nuisance deserving of a nasty payback even if it meant his death.

Food for thought: Negative report ought to be appropriately confronted and not covered, before issues get out of control.

Declaration: Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours. Genesis 37:3

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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