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Daily Manna – Conscience 64

Daily Manna – Conscience 64

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Friday, July 6, 2018 | Topic: Conscience 64

Scripture: And when they saw Joseph afar off, even before he came near to them, they conspired against him to slay him. Genesis 37:18

Note: Unknown to Joseph, each step that he took towards his brothers whom he loved in all sincerity with all his heart, was a step towards his doom. Silent bells of approaching doom hanged perilously on Joseph’s neck. He was wearing excitement on his face, joy in his heart and fulfilment on sighting his brothers. In return, his brothers couldn’t wait to kill Joseph’s dreams that so much threatened to demean and belittle them in their own estimation and warped understanding of his dreams.

The heavy, unseen burden that was hanging on the neck of Joseph was due to a combination of present and past occurrences that predated his birth. This burden was silent. The pain of its impact had been sucked within by Joseph’s siblings and Leah. The pain, suffering and loveless neglect of Leah that had lingered for a whole generation, was now coming home to roost. A problem that began with the unfortunate trickery hatched by Laban, who had no idea of the far reaching implications of what he was doing and neither was he privy to the weight of his actions, seems to have settled on the wrong guy in the person of Joseph.

Satan doesn’t play fair. He doesn’t appreciate justice and neither does he have any sense of it. His modus operandi is to steal, to kill and to destroy (John 10:10). His purpose is to create confusion, separate spouses, sow the seeds of destruction in relationships, create misunderstanding and suspicion among brothers, friends and loved ones. He comes to destroy the foundations of the family unit and set them apart in disarray against each other, falsely accusing one another. This is what the enemy loves and enjoys doing. In perpetuating mischief among couples, within families and churches, Satan’s main purpose is to create in us a distorted view of God’s love towards us and to cause us to believe a lie about God.

Transgenerational burdens carrying far reaching implications, beginning from granddad Laban to Leah, Rachel and Jacob, that have been shifted over time, swept under the carpet for decades, forgotten and allowed to resolve itself over time, had made their choice. That choice was no less a person than the young man on whom destiny seemed to be smiling upon. The burdens that carried the judgment of past misdeeds was threatening to suffocate the life out of the one man among Jacob’s children who dared to dream. The enemy cannot stand the guts of people who dare to resist him. He hates folks who dare to dream to become different from what the enemy wants them to be. Joseph was a serial dreamer.

Food for thought: Anyone who makes the wise decision to stand down to the authority of God becomes empowered to stand up to the devil.

Declaration: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. James 4:7

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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