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Daily Manna – Conscience 44

Daily Manna – Conscience 44

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Wednesday, June 13, 2018 | Topic: Conscience 44

Scripture: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. Hosea 4:6

Note: A strained relationship occasioned by the blatant infidelity of Gomer, had compelled a pained, aggrieved and agonising soul of a prophet to the hapless point of denouncing Loruhamah, the innocent baby girl born into the marriage between Hosea and Gomer. For a gracious and an unusually tolerable person as Hosea to openly denounce the baby, naming her “I will no more have mercy” showed the extent to which this troubled and convoluted marriage had meandered its way through unimaginable and inconceivable strains.

The parallel stories of Israel’s unfaithfulness to God were dramatically unfolding in the relationship between Hosea and Gomer. As a prophet of God, Yahweh wanted Hosea to experience and understand the extent of the pain that Israel as a nation was causing in her idolatrous and adulterous relationship with her numerous lovers, notable among them being Baal. The longstanding fierce rivalry between Yahweh and Baal in the life of Israel, had always served as one of the significant battlefront in the struggle between the worship of Yahweh, the only true God and the false, satanic worship of other deities, religions, ideologies and philosophical ideals.

The estranged marital relationship between Hosea and Gomer, with the birth of a child who wasn’t fathered by Hosea and facing the fury and anger of a man whose ego had been bruised beyond what society considered as acceptable, witnessed an attitudinal shift on the part of the husband. The protest of Hosea against the baby went beyond mere attitudinal change to the naming of the baby girl. Loruhamah was a Hebrew name that announced to the whole world about the secret, nightly escapades of the wife. Loruhamah represented Gomer’s shame and rebuke for her outrageous treatment of her husband.

Loruhamah represented the name of Gomer’s second baby, yet the name of the innocent baby spoke volumes about the relationship between her mum and dad. Loruhamah represented a dispensation in the relationship where wifely mercy was not to be expected. Some marriages and relationships go through painful phases of dispensation, such as the known infidelity of Gomer. These are phases of relationships that virtually place the marriage on terminal precipice. It takes greater grace and maturity to rescue such a marriage on a deathbed, surviving on the critical life support of grace and mercy.

Food for thought: Life in Christ Jesus is more critical than human critical life support during emergency.

Declaration: Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by the. John 14:6

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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