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Daily Manna – Conscience 4

Daily Manna – Conscience 4

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Friday, April 27, 2018 | Topic: Conscience 4

Scripture: And when the barbarians saw the venomous snake hang on Paul’s hand, they said among themselves, “No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he has escaped the sea, justice has not allowed him to live.” Acts 28:4

Note: After the conversion of Paul, he started preaching aggressively on the kingdom of God and of His Son, Jesus Christ. This sudden turnaround in strategy and purpose didn’t go down well with the Jewish authorities. He had previously sacrificed his life for them when he obtained letters to every synagogue to arrest, torture and kill the believers, all in his avowed desire to exterminate the Church. These same wicked people were now crying out for his blood through urging a death sentence. In desperation, Paul had appealed against the charge, by appealing to Caesar, being a Roman citizen.

The journey to Rome by sea had been tumultuous and ill-fated. It was fraught with so many incidents. Paul, being a prisoner was in chains, guarded by Roman soldiers, accompanying him to Rome. Storms at sea coming from the south wind and later the northeast wind, had threatened a shipwreck, with the soldiers on board contemplating killing all the prisoners in the ship to prevent their escape from lawful custody. The centurion had to intervene on behalf of the prisoners because of the special favour Paul had with him.

The boat eventually suffered shipwreck, but by a divine intervention, Paul having seen an angel assuring him of their safety, he had seized the opportunity to calm down everyone from anxiety as they had not been able to take their meals for fourteen days, assuring them that no one was going to die and encouraging them to take in some food for energy. With the ship unable to sail further, having finally suffered shipwreck, the sailors and passengers were brought safely to an island called Malta.

The natives on the island were exceptionally kind to them, as they made fire to provide warmth for them against the cold weather, as it began raining. Then out of the blue, a venomous viper came out of the fire and attacked Paul, finally hanging on his hand. These natives were not Christians. They weren’t Jews either, so they had no access to the law. They didn’t know Yahweh, but they had a conscience that informed them of what was considered just or unjust. They were aware that evildoers will never go scot-free in life. To them, Paul was a prime suspect of injustice, evil and murder. They expected the venom of the snake to kill Paul immediately, as they waited for the signs of approaching death. Yet, to their shock and utter dismay, the venom had no power over Paul. They learnt a new dimension of God’s power and protection over believers, calling Paul a god.

Food for thought: Even virgin minds have a conscience that informs them of what is acceptable, right and just.

Declaration: They were waiting for him to swell up or suddenly fall down dead. But when they had waited a long time and saw no misfortune come to him, they changed their minds and said that he was a god. Acts 28:6

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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