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Daily Manna – Conscience 31

Daily Manna – Conscience 31

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Tuesday, May 29, 2018 | Topic: Conscience 31

Scripture: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. Hosea 4:6

Note: Marriages go through both periods of low and high. The high period calls for celebration of the gift of marriage and the goodness of God. It’s a period to remember the faithfulness of God, not forgetting the benefits that God has allowed to freely come our way. The low periods reflect a time of difficulties, disappointments, inadequate finances, misunderstanding, accidents, debilitating sicknesses, childlessness and temptations to break the marriage covenant.

Every marriage that has seen many years of togetherness and still surviving in the midst of trials, had faced one or more of such listed low points. The difference between those marriages that failed and those that survived is the desire of the successful couples to see their marriage work. Beyond that desire, they took concrete steps to work on what had gone wrong in order to restore the joy and spark back to the relationship. Some couples have made the mistake of leaving their disagreements unattended to, hoping that time and chance would bring a resolution to their marriage.

When marriages are left to the whims and caprices of time and chance, the results become a product of probability. It becomes a chance game which is akin to a lottery. With lotteries, the results are expectedly, often disappointing and disastrous. It behoves on every couple therefore to fight for their relationship, with a hopeful desire to see a good and victorious end. It isn’t wrong and neither is it a cheap endeavour to want to fight for your marriage. Many others who find themselves in failed marriages or relationships may ridicule your move or say discouraging words pointing to waste of time, resources and effort. Ignore them and pray instead about your marriage.

Whatever is precious in life is worth fighting for. Marriage is one of the most precious relationships within society that provides the ambience for nurturing of love between husband and wife in bringing up their children within a demonstrable atmosphere of love and tolerance. Dysfunctional families in society are fast becoming breeding grounds for raising monsters and criminals in society. It’s Satan’s delight to witness a dysfunctional marriage. Satan must be resisted in our marriages with all the courage and the energy within the recesses of our being, seeing that he’s the main architect driving the failure of most relationships and marriages.

Food for thought: Any person or relationship that’s not submitted to God, is therefore not under the power, control and design of God.

Declaration: Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. James 4:7

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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