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Daily Manna – Conscience 30

Daily Manna – Conscience 30

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Monday, May 28, 2018 | Topic: Conscience 30

Scripture: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you have rejected knowledge, I reject you from being a priest to me. And since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. Hosea 4:6

Note: Hosea’s undying love for Gomer, a prototype of God’s undying love for man, compelled Hosea never to give up on Gomer. Enticed and seduced by the thoughts of the gifts that came from her past numerous lovers, Gomer found it difficult to resist the temptation not to go back to her inglorious past life of prostitution which wasn’t anything to be proud of. The usual decency expected from a married woman suddenly became an unsurmountable hurdle for Gomer to climb. This was because she had had a taste of the inglorious fast street life which she still secretly adored.

Certain experiences in one’s past life can serve as a banana peel for someone who has changed and walking the new creation life. When a woman becomes used to getting easy money in her previous life through practices such as sleeping with multiple lovers for favours and riches, it has an uncanny way of calibrating the expectations of such a woman in a non realistic manner that makes it difficult for such people to adjust to normal expectations of decent women in marriage.

Gomer was a victim of a past life that left her with little dignity to he proud of. She had repented of that lifestyle and had been blessed with a husband with the call of God on his life. Many people, especially women, would call Gomer a fortunate woman immensely blessed by God to have had such a noble man for a husband. A happy and fulfilled marriage that began with a whirlwind love through to the birth of their first child, Jezreel, suddenly turned sour, with the unfortunate images of the past life of Gomer becoming the intruding third person in the marriage.

This third person intruder was granted permission into the close knit family by Gomer, being a wife. The channel through which access was given was through her thoughts, conscience and imagination. Through these invisible channels in the mind of Gomer, her numerous lovers began to make inroads back into her life. These channels in the mind are powerful. They have no respect for physical barriers to any marriage. Once they’re entertained in the mind, they gain unfettered access on the crestwave of her emotions into the heart. This was Gomer’s mistake that was to impact her marriage negatively, in a manner that profiled the exact convoluted and tortuous relationship between Israel and her spiritual marriage to Yahweh.

Food for thought: The channels to our mind must be filled with the word of God and not our opinion or the opinion of man.

Declaration: Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Phil 2:5

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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