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Daily Manna – Conscience 134

Daily Manna – Conscience 134

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Wednesday, September 26, 2018 | Topic: Conscience 134

Scripture: And when they saw Joseph afar off, even before he came near to them, they conspired against him to slay him. Genesis 37:18

Note: It’s interesting to note that the magicians and the wise men of Pharaoh lived in the era of visible, physical manifestation of supernatural powers by their gods. Pharaoh’s request to have the dreams interpreted would have thus, been subjected to the rigorous mill of employing the assistance of familiar spirits to bring out the interpretation. Familiar spirits are spirits that have been around man and the family unit since the fall of man. They have lived long enough with various family units, tribes, societies and nations to understand the trends, statistics and behaviour of men and families.

Familiar spirits have thus, become useful tools in the hands of diviners, manifesting as spirit of divination to tell the hidden things about people’s backgrounds (Acts 16:16). These spirits have been around long enough to understand the trends of the times and seasons in tandem with man’s behaviour, to be able to foretell with accuracy, things that have occurred or about to happen. These familiar spirits would have been deployed by the magicians in their desperate bid to decode the dreams of Pharaoh to save their career. Unfortunately for them, the dreams of Pharaoh were hidden in the bosom of God. It would take only God to reveal it to whom He desired. No man could know the mind of God unless he has the Spirit of God indwelling him.

The failure of the magicians and wise men must have come as a big disappointment to them and their career. Their failure would have equally been a great disappointment to Pharaoh, especially, as his spirit was troubled. A troubled spirit of Pharaoh depicted a man who was restless, having lost his peace and on the precipice of losing his mind. He couldn’t get sound sleep in bed. Pharaoh was a desperate man looking for a solution to his problem which could only come from God. Unfortunately, Egypt was an idolatrous nation of people who were not worshippers of the true God of heaven and the earth.

Unknown to Pharaoh, there was a man in Egypt at the time in whom dwelt the Spirit of God. This men wasn’t an Egyptian. He was a stranger, a Hebrew and a slave. This man in whom dwelt the Spirit of God was even worse than a slave. He was in addition to being a slave, an attempted rapist, now cooling off in the dungeons of the condemned cells of the king’s prison. Joseph’s historical background description wasn’t one you could call impressive. Aside the litany of setbacks going against Joseph, he had one positive thing going in his advantage. He had been a successful interpreter of two dreams while in jail. His interpretations and predictions were spot on. Pharaoh was desperate for a solution to his problem. Joseph’s positive CV was what counted most to him. To Pharaoh, Joseph’s ignominious past belonged to history. They didn’t matter; whether the accusations against him were true or not.

Food for thought: When it’s God’s due time, the things and people that had previously militated against your progress will suddenly count for nothing.

Declaration: And Pharaoh said to his servants, “Can we find such a one as this, a man in whom is the Spirit of God?” Gen 41:38

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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