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Daily Manna – Conscience 110

Daily Manna – Conscience 110

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Wednesday, August 29, 2018 | Topic: Conscience 110

Scripture: And when they saw Joseph afar off, even before he came near to them, they conspired against him to slay him. Genesis 37:18

Note: The crucifixion of Jesus was canonised by the four Gospels and is attested to by other ancient sources. It is universally accepted by both Christians and non Christians alike as a historical occurrence. Although historians may differ as to the details of its historicity, there’s consensus as to the purpose of crucifixion, which essentially was meant to inflict a painful form of death through asphyxiation. There’s no historical account of victims surviving the ordeal of death through crucifixion.

The death of Jesus Christ on the cross by crucifixion and subsequent resurrection therefore, presented an incredible and humanly impossible story to believe, considering the famed notoriety and brutal nature of the Roman soldiers who executed such prisoners. The two thieves that flanked Jesus in the infamous execution also served as critical evidence of the historicity of the crucifixion account. These accounts together with the sharing of His garments and the casting of lots to take possession of His seamless robe served as veritable evidence of His death.

Christianity is different from other faiths where one has to fight for his salvation through his personal merits or deeds. Christianity is a living relationship with a living Saviour who overcame the one thing that had remained man’s number one enemy, which is death. No one had ever succeeded in overcoming the menace of death, including all founders of other faiths. They all died and their bones are in their graves. While He was alive on earth, Jesus promised His disciples that He would die and rise again from the dead. Even His disciples who were faithful and loyal adherents at the time, didn’t believe whatever Jesus told them concerning His impending death.

The disciples of Jesus had their thinking and reasoning caps on. They were not prepared to accept hook, line and sinker, all the fantastic and outrageous claims of Jesus which were unprecedented in the history of mankind. The Gospel accounts didn’t shy away from telling the truth of the obstinacy of one of the disciples of Jesus to His resurrection. The story of Thomas, who wasn’t with the pack when Jesus first appeared to the ten disciples, with Judas Iscariot having gone ahead to commit suicide for his part in the arrest of Jesus, is enough proof of available men with the character to challenge the status quo. Thomas took the negative description of a doubting man for our sake, in so doing, inadvertently adding solidity to the infallibility of our faith.

Food for thought: The cacophony surrounding the belief of doubting Thomas, only succeeded in adding to the beauty and infallibility of what we have believed.

Declaration: To whom also He showed Himself alive after His passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. Acts 1:3

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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