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Daily Manna -Conscience 102

Daily Manna -Conscience 102

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Monday, August 20, 2018 | Topic: Conscience 102

Scripture: And when they saw Joseph afar off, even before he came near to them, they conspired against him to slay him. Genesis 37:18

Note: After committing a heinous crime against Joseph in selling their own brother into slavery, this drama taking place on the blind side of Jacob, Joseph’s brothers succeeded in deceiving Jacob into believing that their stage-managed evidence of the blood soaked coat of many colours as representing the true state of Joseph. This craftily choreographed episode of Jacob’s sons graphically depicts the extent to which people in whose hands trust has been entrusted, can so easily abuse this trust with impunity and go undetected.

Jacob was compelled to live with this lie for many years, mourning his son’s presumed death until later on in life when the truth surfaced like a submerged cork; revealing a Joseph who was more alive than his lying brothers who were on their knees searching and begging for food to buy from the very person they had so hated and sold into slavery. Out of sheer hatred and many other similar reasons, evil people are able to massage the truth to look like what they want others to believe. Yet, in God’s due time, whatever has been hidden, massaged, stage-managed or lied on, calculated to make evil win over good, will be overturned by the power of God.

Hatred may cause immediate damage to people, their image or reputation, and make them suffer undeservingly for a long period of time. This period where evil seems to reign, could be very painful, depressing and discouraging. Some people are brought to their knees by the sheer weight of this period of apparent triumph of evil over good, and are sometimes tempted to give up on their pursuit of the truth, cowed by prevailing circumstances where they see themselves in a long, dark tunnel, where they can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel.

Yet, inspite of all the machinations of people using hatred as a tool for control, hatred can never submerge or derail the plans of God concerning anyone’s life. Hatred may seem to delay your plans, discourage your pursuits, seek to drown your aspirations or even try to discourage you into resigning to your fate, having badly battered your reputation and image into believing that it’s an irreversible and irrecoverable damage. Yet, when a man’s faith is anchored on the solid foundation of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit will show up in God’s due time, to bring you deliverance and restoration.

Food for thought: Truth is one. Human machinations can never submerge the truth forever. It will definitely come out one day.

Declaration: For the word of the LORD is right; and all His works are done in truth. Psalm 33:4

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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