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Daily Manna 8th July, 2017

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Saturday, July 8, 2017 | Reading: Exodus 33:1-11, Exodus 4, Gen 3:1-21

Topic: The Tabernacle of God 168

Scripture: But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say not of this building. (Heb 9:11)

Note: 1John 1:7, “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” Strained relationships mean that so far as fellowship is concerned, there’s a dark patch existing between two or more persons. This dark patch is what the enemy has been looking for all along, in order that he can sow seeds of discord, mistrust, confusion, misunderstanding and dislike for one another.

In that way, the enemy succeeds in widening the gap between two previously close persons. The enemy knows that he can never defeat believers who are united in one Spirit, purpose, passion and commitment to the Lord. He fears believers that are walking in the light of God’s love, presence and in His word. Divided believers are weakened believers. The enemy knows that he can’t prevent serious and committed believers from going to church for fellowship with one another. That looks too obvious, lacking guile.

The devil is happy to see believers go to church, divided at heart, mistrusting each other. Strains are challenging burdens to carry in any relationship. They’re very exhausting, frustrating and when the burden begins to seem unbearable, people will start getting discouraged. The weapon of discouragement is one of the most lethal poisons that can ever be administered against any believer. A discouraged believer has no spirit, no energy to keep going on. The next predictable thing if there’s no vital external intervention, is for the discouraged believer to just give up and quit.

At this very unstable state, the discouraged believer might even start hearing voices within, purporting to deceive the troubled believer into thinking that it’s the Spirit of God ministering to the person. This is a big lie. A troubled spirit is like a city without walls (Prov 25:28); subject to all sort of infiltration and manipulation. The Spirit of God does not seek to manipulate us into taking decisions. What God’s Spirit does is to work on the soil of our hearts through love to allow the seed of faith to grow, providing the power and required energy not to give up. The Spirit of God gives us the needed sound mind to be able to negotiate the right turn during such dark hours (Gal 5:6, 2Tim1:7).

Food for thought: Fear and whispering voices within us that forcefully compel us to give up, discouraged and vanquished, are not of God.

Declaration: For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 2Tim 1:7

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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