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Daily Manna 29-02-2016

Daily Manna 29-02-2016

Daily Manna – February 29, 2016
Topic: God’s Unspeakable Gift

Scripture: Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift. (2Cor 9:15)

Note: Many hoodlums, thieves, thugs and armed robbers in our society are partly the creation of the society which they lived and grew up in. Imagine a young teenage lady who gets herself pregnant simply because she didn’t have any shelter of her own, a place she could call home, has dropped out of school because there was no one in the family to take up that important responsibility of seeing her through school. This young lady wakes up every morning, not knowing where the next meal would come from.

Then comes along a young man, who is himself struggling to meet the basic necessities of life, a hustler, as we would normally call him. He offers this young lady an opportunistic shelter for the night, coupled with the additional fringe benefit of a decent street meal in the night. This process is repeated night after night until your guess is as good as mine. She misses her period. She is pregnant! What’s supposed to bring joy to a young struggling couple suddenly becomes a cross for the lady. She gets booted out of their makeshift home, with a growing foetus to caterfor. The man has denied responsibility for the pregnancy.

This defenceless lady feels a sense of abandonment with no parents, no guardians, no relations, no one to speak for her. There is no powerful person available or who cares enough to “waste his time” on such useless and aimless “street prostitutes.” There are no structured mechanisms in our society to take care of unfortunate folks who fall within this social class. She is back to the shelterless street which is the only place she has always known. Together with colleague struggling ladies in similar situation, she manages to take care of herself and her unborn baby until a baby boy finally gets birthed into an uncertain world with no recognisable father.

This baby boy learns to fend for himself right from the moment he learns to crawl. A harsh world, it seems. This boy grows up with bitterness, frustrations and hating the very society he has been thrusted into. By the time he becomes a teenager he has grown through the educational rudiments of the underworld; petty stealing, pickpocketing, mugging to armed robbery. He is a hardened criminal with little or no formal education. He has never understood love. This is because the mother who birthed him herself never understood or experienced love. Society never demonstrated love to them.

He came to meet a dying world full of hatred, wickedness and injustice right from the top to the lowest person. His instinct is survival. Death means nothing. He had seen a lot of it, growing up. He’s got no feelings and no conscience. It’s completely dead. The rich and powerful in society got to where they are because they learned to eliminate all other obstacles, including people, on their way to the top. If he could acquire the right ammunition, he can also railroad his way to the top of society. This is the state of our nation, right from the apex of governance to the church. Our only hope for a true transformation of this nation is the unspeakable gift of God to humanity, the man Christ Jesus.

Food for thought: Jesus Christ is the only hope for a sick and dying society.

Declaration: Hope deferred makes the heart sick: but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13:12)

© Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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