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Daily Manna 27-02-2016

Daily Manna 27-02-2016

Daily Manna – February 27, 2016
Topic: The heart of man

Scripture: For out of the heart proceeds evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies. (Matt 15:19)

Note: When robbers attack individuals in the deep of the night when they are expected to be asleep, the basic elements of the attack is to use surprise, speed and shock to outwit the owners. So that before one could say Jack, they are already inside the house with the legal owner suddenly turned into a prisoner in his own home that he built with his sweat and toil. He must now listen to instructions from the new master that has forced himself on him, the armed robber.

This is just one of the many paradoxes in life. We live in a world where power and might are always right. It doesn’t necessarily have to be backed by any sound logic or reasoning. Once you can attain or acquire the means that gives you the edge above your peers, neighbours and the general society, your words become law. You must be reverenced, feared and obeyed. You don’t need to make sense, be fair or right. This is the state of life in this nation; in our body politic, civil society and even the church.

The clergy in the church that must serve as the mind, the light, the salt, the conscience and the example to the rest of the world, is now distracted and engrossed in the rat race of arm twisting of the innocent, the simple and the poor, to celebrate their fame, power, celebrity status, fashion sense, fast cars and hero worship. The church must return to the old landmarks bequeathed to us by the Master. It took his precious blood to bring us redemption.

Food for thought: Jesus gave us His all, that we might live all for Him.

Declaration: But in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. (Matt 15:9)

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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