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Daily Manna 21-05-2016

Daily Manna 21-05-2016

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Topic: The empty tomb 47

Reading: Matthew 27:57-66, 28:1-15

Scripture: He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee. (Luke 24:6)

Note: Nearly ten years after Barbara Thiering’s book was published, the scholarly world after taking a good look at the publication, returned with a unanimous negative verdict of pure fantasy fiction. They concluded that the only scholar who takes Thiering seriously is Thiering herself.

In doing a critical review of Thiering’s book’s conclusions and methodology, Ancient Historian and New Testament scholar C.B. Forbes concludes that her books cannot be described as history. They are extraordinary fantasy, and have been dismissed as such by historians around the world. C. Stephen Evans says the book clearly borders on fantasy. Florentino Garcia Martinez, the editorial secretary of the _Revue de Qumran,_ has called her work “science fiction”, disconnected from all historical and literary reality.

With her works unanimously condemned by the scholarly world as altogether outlandish, Thiering’s theory has been relegated to the level of irrelevance and insignificance, a good example of a fringe theory whose popularity and source of comfort and refuge had been the media, which had hoped to ride on the strong waves of the huge Jesus brand, albeit with some heavy dose of controversy, to make huge, undeserved profit.

In the recent past, movie producers who had made films on the person of Jesus, hoping to cash in on his huge brand using complete falsehood, controversy and ignorance to hoodwink the unsuspecting public into digesting their fantasies as alternative sources of truth, have almost always found themselves in trouble, losing heavily financially, and having to file for bankruptcy to avoid the fury of the lending banks.

Food for thought: You never win fighting against Jesus.

Declaration: And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me? And he said, Who art thou Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. (Acts 9:4-5)

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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