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Daily Manna 19-03-2016

Daily Manna – March 19, 2016
Topic: There is hope for Ghana
Reading: Matthew 21:12-16

Scripture: And he said unto them, It is written, “My house shall be called the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.” (Matt 21:13)

Note: The lack of visible anger welling up inside passionate Ghanaians with a desire to change the body language of the status quo and the foundations of our culture; the frustrations, the corruption, the effeminate behaviour, the lack of momentum for a nation that works, the apathy, the low expectations from the citizenry, the ignorance of what could be and the likes, are some of the reasons that contribute to the destructive passion consuming the few who are genuinely seeking for real change.

Many well-meaning Ghanaians starting from the first to the fourth republic have cried loudly for this kind of change. Unfortunately, they didn’t get the support of the majority of apathetic Ghanaians who have resigned themselves to the status quo. We tag the few bold people who fight for change in their own small way as “too known” and “wasting their time.” We make mockery of the few trying ones and use their noble efforts as lame examples to amuse ourselves.

We use our concert mentality as a fuse to de-stress from realities that need to be boldly and appropriately confronted. Our great sense of humour is used as protective cocoons to shield our effeminate mentalities from the things that need to be questioned, corrected and changed.

Jesus demonstrated a different side of him when he saw the rot in their society. He descended heavily into the temple with rage on the visible corruption and compromises that had overwhelmed the ruling religious authority to the extent that the temple which was the only place designated for prayer, had been reduced to a black market centre for money changers, crooks, thieves, merchandisers of live poultry, with the real people needing the temple to pray, seek for healings and miracles, relegated to the peripheral areas in the temple. There was no room for them inside due to the monetary gains accruing to the greedy religious ruling class through temple tax.

Food for thought: If Jesus Christ, driven by passion and purpose managed to find a way out at the root of the problem, we can also find a way out if we are driven by the same passion and purpose.

Declaration: If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do? (Psalms 11:3)

© Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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