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Daily Manna 19-02-2016

Daily Manna 19-02-2016

Daily Manna – February 19, 2016
Topic: Truly, Jesus is the Son of God

Scripture: Then those who were in the boat came and worshipped Him, saying, “Truly You are the Son of God.” (Matt 14:33)

Note: I can imagine the kind of thoughts that were rampaging through the minds of the eleven coward disciples as well as the ship crew who had been caught in a tempest, a raging wind that was threatening to capsize the ship and throw lives and livelihoods of passengers and crew in danger, coupled with the irrational Peter, who moments ago, was better off inside the troubled ship, but who without notice had thrown caution to the wind, a raging one of course, and dared to walk on the water just as his Lord and Master was doing.

Yet, within a split second of a moment, the disciples and crew began to watch in horror, as the unfortunate drama of a sinking, crazy Peter began to unfold before their eyes. Yes, a sinking Peter they were expecting, the moment he stepped boldly but thoughtlessly into a sea under the influence of an erratic and unpredictable raging wind.

As for Jesus who had identified himself to the disciples as the Master, hearing his voice and seeing him, who knows, he could as well be a ghost in camouflage, trying to hoodwink them into believing a lie to their detriment. It’s better to play it safe than risk following what you aren’t sure of. They were certain they left the Master praying in the desert. If at all, he would most likely come in another ship. As for a man walking on water, “hmmmm, na lie, it’s not possible, they haven’t seen it before.”

With their worst fears confirmed by the sight of Peter sinking right before their eyes, their horror turned to immediate joy when Jesus stood on water, stretched out his hand and caught up Peter onto the surface, and as they walked majestically to the troubled ship, the jaw-dropping spectacle that had them in awe turned into unbelievable joy that was so deeply humbling and shameful. They saw God unfold right before their eyes, and yet they missed the opportunity to have believed fully when he declared, “It is I, be not afraid.” They began to worship Him, when they realised that indeed, “Jesus is the Son of God.”

Food for thought: Jesus didn’t refuse worship, knowing He is the Son of God, and by definition, God. No other man born of a woman ever accepted worship. Even godly angels refuse worship. Jesus Christ is either the biggest fraud or He’s the only Way, the Truth and the Life.

Declaration: Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)

© Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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