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Daily Manna 17-03-2016

Daily Manna 17-03-2016

Daily Manna – March 17, 2016
Topic: Is there hope for Africa?
Reading: 1Chronicles 22

Scripture: Now, behold, in my trouble I have prepared for the house of the Lord an hundred thousand talents of gold, and a thousand thousand talents of silver; and of brass and iron without weight; for it is in abundance: timber also and stone have I prepared; and thou mayest add thereto. (1Chron 22:14)

Note: Ghana attained independence at the same period as Malaysia, South Korea and Singapore, all Asian countries. After 59 years of self rule and almost two generations lost groping in the dark alleys of poverty, hopelessness, epidemic diseases, illiteracy and a nation engulfed in filth and collapsing gradually under the weight of corruption and mismanagement in leadership, people ignorantly continue to sing the age old mantra, “It will be well.”

We’re not quick to learn from known systems and leaderships that have worked else. What we’re expert in doing is attacking ourselves. The pull him down syndrome is very strong. I am made to believe that most times we don’t have any cogent reasons to attack each other. We do so because that’s the norm: We are purposeless and helpless in our pursuit of what is good for us. We enjoy and feed our souls with empty political talk that solves no problems of filthy sanitation, does not provide equipment for our dilapidated hospitals, and does not stop epidemic of cholera and meningitis. Our goals, focus and pursuit as a nation is seemingly pathetic and aimless.

I am often tempted to believe that the masses have been teleguided by ignorance from the political ruling class to keep people in perpetuity of subjection and mind control. We forget that our leaders probably choose to ignore the hospitals because they would never have need for them. They fly out to the developed nations for medical checkups. Our ignorance in what we really need is what is used as a weapon against our own interests.

The mess in Ghana where individuals walk away with free money sanctioned by the authorities, hence indefensible in the law courts, is a shameful example of the general apathy in the country. President Buhari of Nigeria is now trying to clean up the mess in Nigeria. President Magufuli of Tanzania is on a prophetic house cleaning job in his country, shadowing the efforts of President Paul Kagame of Rwanda. As a typical African leader, President Mugabe of Zimbabwe has shown enough evidence that he wants to die on the throne.

Can’t Africa learn from the leadership of David? We’re free to copy his leadership style with pride. He gave the kingship to Solomon when the rule was to die on the throne, and had time to supervise a smooth transition to the new regime. All the gold and silver he amassed through 40 years of war were dedicated to his nation and the worship of God.

Food for thought: May Africa be imbued with the leadership of David and the wisdom of Solomon.

Declaration: If the foundations be destroyed what can the righteous do? (Psalms 11:3)

© Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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