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Daily Manna 16-02-2016

Daily Manna 16-02-2016

Daily Manna – February 16, 2016
Topic: All things are possible to God

Scripture: And immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matt 14:31)

Note: From a frightened disciple, just like the rest of the disciples shrieking loudly with fear at the imaginary sight of a ghost, to a man who transitioned from a screaming position to a bold man who took Christ at his word, acknowledging Jesus as Lord and Master to whom the erratic and unpredictable forces of nature bow at the command of his voice, it is amazing how the suddenly transformed and emboldened Peter, who began to walk on water, could drop the ball so suddenly to become a shrieking freak.

Life without Christ is death. Peter suddenly discovered this truth the moment he took his focus, his faith, his fixation and his trust from the life sustaining power of Christ to the reality of a boisterous wind in the middle of the sea. Ignorance is bliss. Without the benefit of experience in swimming, education on the law of flotation and knowledge of the impact of stormy water in sea navigation, Peter would have been the better off, simply trusting Jesus like a child to uphold his steps as he successfully walked on water.

The benefits of experience, knowledge and education cannot be discounted in our everyday survival in this world system. Yet, faith in the ability of Christ to sustain us through the most difficult and impossible situations in our lives is far superior, superceding the benefits of education, experience and knowledge that the world system offers.

Food for thought: Jesus stood on water to pull sinking Peter out of the same water. Isn’t that an amazing miracle?

Declaration: For with God nothing will be impossible. (Luke 1:37)

© Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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