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Daily Manna 15-04-2016

Daily Manna 15-04-2016

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna

Friday, April 15, 2016

Topic: The empty tomb 16

Reading: Matthew 27:57-66, 28:1-15

Scripture: He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee. (Luke 24:6)

Note: Although the three times denial of Jesus Christ was very disappointing, both to Peter and all adherents of the faith for all generations, the denial served one useful lesson for all in emphasising that the disciples of Christ were first, human with frailties like all of us, but they had their heads screwed on.

Peter watched proceedings of the trial of Jesus carefully and analytically and could foresee the ominous judgment awaiting his master. He had been a loyal disciple up to that point, even ready to shed blood in defence of his master by cutting off the ear of a perceived aggressor. He was not ready to take any chances on his own life. He had weighed his options. Jesus was a great master, full of potential politically, which could mean a great door of opportunity for a better life for him and the other disciples, who had similarly left everything to follow Jesus. Yet in analysing the charged atmosphere at the trial, Peter could see the ominous signs of death clearly written on the wall.

That determination of Peter concluded everything for him as far as his loyalty could carry him. Peter was very sure about one thing; he wasn’t overly carried away with obsession about Jesus Christ. It was true he drew a sword and severed an ear, but he wasn’t one person to describe himself as a fanatic yet; dying as a martyr for his master. If the juicy political aspiration should fail, Peter always knew at the back of his mind that he was a professional fisherman. He could always return to his first love and to his wife and family. Peter wasn’t a fool to die a needless death for no apparent reason, if only he could escape with some “harmless lies” from people who barely knew him.

Food for thought: Many Christians like Peter, have become experts at blending seamlessly and unnoticed with the world system like chameleons. Are you one of those chameleons with ambivalent behaviours?

Declaration: But whoever denies me before people, I too, will deny before my Father in heaven. (Matt 10:33)

© Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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