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Daily Manna – 11th January, 2018

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna | Thursday, January 11, 2018 | Reading: Exodus 33:1-11, Exodus 4, Gen 3:1-21

Topic: The Tabernacle of God 328

Scripture: But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say not of this building. (Heb 9:11)

Note: 2Cor 5:1, “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens.” The woman at the well that had an encounter with Jesus in John 4, was a woman who had gone through a lot of misfortune in her short life on earth. Her short life had seen so many disappointments where her relationship with men was concerned. As a woman, her many disappointments and rejections by men could have been sufficient to crush the spirit of many well determined women.

Many women of contemporary times easily lose their sanity when a love relationship with their spouse goes awfully wrong. Our few psychiatric institutions are currently filled to capacity with many women who are unfortunate victims of the syndrome of broken heart. Some of these women found in these most undeserving circumstances, are very well educated and sophisticated enough to have understood the possible risks and nuances involved in such relationships. Yet, after all the possible safeguards put in place, they’re overtaken by events, surrendering their sanity in bizarre circumstances to men who are undeserving of them, in a rather undignified manner.

It takes the grace of God, a reliance on the comfort and guidance of the Holy Spirit during such trying times, the loving support of the nuclear family, the warmth and encouragement of the Christian brethren, an unwavering focus on the infallibility of God’s word, a personal faith in the victory that Jesus Christ wrought for us on Calvary cross, backed by a purpose driven determination to please God and be a living example to the world, to be able to survive through such unpredictable turbulence whenever the storm arises.

The woman at the well was a survivor. She had survived five failed marriages. We’re not privy to the causes that led to the failure of each marriage. Yet, one thing that we know about her was the fact that she very much cherished her relationships with the men that were previously in her life. She was still in one such relationship, yet to tidy up the loose ends before finally taking it through the long haul. Her five failed marriages couldn’t destroy her spirit and determination. She still seemed to be looking forward to the one perfect relationship in her life that should bring lasting fulfilment to her life and dreams. This was the woman that Jesus found and sent to Samaria as their first missionary.

Food for thought: Despondency and depression aren’t bedfellows of willingness and obedience to God’s word.

Declaration: If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. Isaiah 1:19

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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