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Daily Manna 09-02-2016

Daily Manna – February 9, 2016
Topic: From the beginning it was not so 83

Scripture: Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.” (Luke 23:34)

Note: The three disciples were there with Christ when John the Baptist, the greatest among all humans born of a woman (Matt 11:11), was blatantly decapitated for fun by Herod, after he had foolishly promised the daughter of Herodias the moon, when the young lady mesmerised the governor with a licentious dance that separated Herod’s brain from his head.

Jesus was then in the vicinity of Herod and on hearing of what the latter had done, he departed immediately by ship together with his disciples to a solitary place in the desert. Yet, because of the miracles and healings that Jesus performed, the people trailed him to the desert, travelling great distances from various places to be with Christ.

Feeling compassionate for the people, Jesus told his disciples to provide food for a crowd of about five thousand men, with the numerical count excluding women and children. With only a willing boy’s lunch of five loaves and two fishes available to the disciples, Christ’s instruction to them to feed the crowd seemed unreasonable and impossible to execute. Yet, with this limited available resources in his hands, Jesus blessed it, broke it and gave to the disciples to be served to everyone, leaving a leftover of twelve baskets. Jesus Christ proved that he is indeed the Bread of Life.

Food for thought: The little in our hands can be turned into much if it’s trusted into the Lord’s hands and blessed.

Declaration: And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. He said, Bring them hither to me. (Matt 14:17-18)

© Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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