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Daily Manna 07-04-2016

Daily Manna 07-04-2016

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Topic: The empty tomb 9

Reading: Matthew 27:57-66, 28:1-15

Scripture: He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee. (Luke 24:6)

Note: The central theme of Peter’s message after the outpouring of the Spirit, accompanied with power, was the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and his ascension into glory. This was a spontaneous message that was birthed out of the Spirit in response to the masses who were astonished at the supernatural manifestation of the speaking in tongues of the disciples in languages that the hearers knew these Galileans had not learnt.

Everyone heard the wonderful works of God from men who had been seriously scandalised as dubious losers, whose only claim to glory was to steal the body of Jesus and go on to fraudulently proclaim his resurrection from the dead.

The message by Peter was spontaneous. No one had promised the disciples that the promise would be fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. Jesus only asked them to wait specifically in Jerusalem for the promise of the Father. It was no business of theirs to preoccupy themselves with when the promise would come and how it was going to come. The mandate was WAIT.

An unprepared speech centered on the incredible story of Christ overcoming death, for it was not possible for death to hold him under its grips. This is because it is not possible for the flesh of Jesus to see corruption, according to the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God.

This simple message of Peter on the resurrection, a professional fisherman who had barely walked with Christ a little over three years, and preached without the luxury of microphones, power amps and speakers, was to prick the heart of so many people that three thousand souls were instantly added to the church.

Food for thought: There was so much conviction and power behind the message of Peter that sinners were asking what they must do to be saved. Today, the messages being delivered behind the pulpit and on the airwaves are so much watered and have so little or none of Jesus that it’s rather preachers who are asking what they must do for sinners to be saved.

Declaration: Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:37)

© Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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