Tehillah Generation Chapel
Daily Manna
Friday, May 6, 2016
Topic: The empty tomb 34
Reading: Matthew 27:57-66, 28:1-15
Scripture: He is not here, but is risen: remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee. (Luke 24:6)
Note: Wrongly assimilated ways of life unfortunately imbibed through periods of obstinacy and rebellion against God due to flirtatious association with paganism gradually ate into the lifestyle of the average Jewish man whose now strangely adopted heathenistic culture of hypocrisy in distancing themselves publicly from women began to look like solutions to a problem whose real root cause was the nation distancing themselves away from the fellowship of God in following after strange gods.
In a bid to cure the constant rebuke from God for their rebellion against Him through their wrong flirtatious associations, the average Hebrew man began to cut off any association with women. This was because in most of their heathenistic flirtations with strange gods, one of the key forms of the rituals during the temple worship was performing sexual orgies with women who had been dedicated to that purpose. Women were deemed as the symbols of fertility in ensuring bounty harvest on their lands.
Naturally, such free sexual orgies for the male adherents would be exciting and attractive to the men, quickly drawing their minds away from the true worship of Jehovah. In trying to cure this menace of a strong interest in this temple sexual privileges, the Rabbis arrived at a make-shift solution in completely avoiding any form of feminine contact in public, including females in the family.
This general denigration and humiliation of women learnt from unfortunate flirtatious associations with paganism became part of the sub-culture of Jewish lifestyle, women becoming the usual victims and sufferers for a wrong practice. By the turn of the first century, many a Jewish man started the day with a prayer to God, expressing thanks that he was neither a Gentile, a slave or a woman.
Food for thought: One of the most wonderful creations of God, a woman, has been abused, denigrated, humiliated and corrupted over the years in the minds of people, including the Church, as a symbol of evil and a tool for the devil.
Declaration: For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10)
© Author: Rev Fred Aboe