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Daily Manna 01-Aug-2016

Tehillah Generation Chapel

Daily Manna

Monday, August 1, 2016

Topic: Safety is of the Lord 12

Reading: 1Sam 23:7-14

Scripture: And it was told Saul that David was come to Keilah. And Saul said, God hath delivered him into my hand; for he is shut in, by entering into a town that hath gates and bars. (1Sam 23:7)

Note: It’s amusing watching the spectacular descent of the speed of fall of man whenever his vital and life-sustaining relationship with God is cut off. The ballistic nature of Saul’s fall as a result of the rejection of his rule and authority as king of Israel by God due to disobedience, is a frightening spectacle of the worthless nature of man’s attempts at self-made glory outside God.

Saul’s fall immediately exposed him to tormenting bouts of demonic invasion that turned a hitherto mighty king into a state of bitterness, a bundle of suspicion, full of unforgiveness and seething vendetta against David, a young hero of Israel, who knew nothing about Saul’s disconnect from God, and yet having to pay a hefty price of multiple assassination attempts, virtual isolation from family, friends and loved ones, running into exile as a fugitive for well over a decade, until God’s unfailing hands of destiny brought him back to Judah and Israel as the next king to succeed Saul after his death.

During the melee of his fall, Saul turned virtually into a child, getting easily influenced by the opinions of others, without due diligence and consideration to the circumstances surrounding whatever was fuelling his suspicions. When the women sang, ascribing tenfold recognition to David what they ascribed to Saul, maturity should have informed Saul that this wasn’t an unusual practice alien to their tradition of welcoming the men back from war, with the hero being given the due recognition for risking his life for the whole nation, including Saul himself, whose throne had been spared the threats of intimidation from the taunting bully, Goliath.

Saul’s fall from grace witnessed a man who lacked confidence, deriving his inspiration and recognition from the appellations of people instead of God. Saul’s confidence as man and king flew through the window when he got rejected by God through his own disobedience. Confidence in God and in His word, is one virtue that brings great and innumerable rewards to the people who dare to put their trust in God.

Food for thought: Daring to trust God and His word is affirming the faithfulness of God.

Declaration: Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. (Heb 10:35)

©Author: Rev Fred Aboe

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